
The insider tip 


What is your best tip for someone in the process of choosing colors for their interior? 


Be honest with yourself. If you know that refreshing, bold colors give you energy, and that you like to surround yourself with them over time, go for it. But don’t go that way because it looked good in a photo, or it is a fashion trend. If you know that you need calm surroundings, then seek out the more neutral colors. But look out for subtle nuances that you can add to that grey or brown. Today, there’s so many shades available that just weren’t there before. And finally, ask your retailer! There are so many knowledgeable people in the stores who are very happy to have a chat about colors and design. 


As self-proclaimed color and design-nerds, Janne and Berit really love their job, even though it comes with a lot of expectations from the entire company. 


Color-wise, this is such a good time for Stressless® recliners and sofas. The earthly colors that are in fashion really match the design language of our furniture. And our main selling points beside the comfort – the craftsmanship and longevity – are part of a larger trend with high demand for sustainability and predictability. That makes our work extra fun these days, says Janne.